
Medical Social Worker / pekerja sosial perubatan.

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Medical social worker - pekerja sosial perubatan beza dengan counsellor sbb msw buat further visit to seek other sources.. #nowiknow
Twitter for iPhone • 29/09/11

SK 2011

Top List of Cancer .

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Thanks for reading..

1.breast cancer
2.cervical cancer
3.lung cancer
- top COD of women with ca.. In Malaysia.. Please do regular check ups

Pain threshold Lowered by:

-mental isolation
-social abandonment

Dear All,
Thanks for reading.
Source; SK 2011.

SK 2011: Palliative Care.

Dear All,
Thanks For Reading.

Care given to improve the Q of life of patients who have a serious or life-threatening disease.(palliative care)-NCI USA.

Medical and other interventions that attempt to Support and make comfortable rather than to cure. - the free dictionary by Farlex.

Why still need chemotherapy even after surgery..?


There are still micrometastasis of the cancerous cells all over the body..
The decision will be made by the oncologist..

Dear All,
Thanks for reading..

Beware of FEBRILE NEUTROPENIA in post chemotherapy person.

If you received chemotherapy.
Developed fever..
Beware it might be FEBRILE NEUTROPENIA ..
Please inform..

Dear All,
Thanks for reading..

National Cancer Society Malaysia NCSM.

Dear All,
Thanks For Reading.

National Cancer Society Malaysia. NCSM.
NCSM adalah satu badan bukan kerajaan yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 1966 bertujuan untuk memberi latihan,pendidikan, sokongan moral dan rawatan bagi mereka yang disahkan menghidapi kanser.

Badan bukan kerajaan yang pertama di Malaysia khusus untuk Kanser.

"Through its education programmes , screening and treatment centres, support services and efforts aimed at eradicating cancer, the Society will walk on a journey of hope with all Malaysians."

SK 2011. RHKB.

Happy World Heart Day today!

Dear All,
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“@liowtionglai: It's World Heart Day today. i've skipped my chocolate drink and will try to do my 10000 steps towards a healthier heart.”- twitter -

Graviola is a Cure For Cancer/ Durian Belanda Penawar Kanser?

Dear All,
Thanks for reading.

The answer is YES IF YOU is a Mouse!

There is study done to rats regarding graviola that can cure cancer..
But not proven in human..
Becos the rats only consume graviola day and night..and only graviola..

SK 2011.
seminar kanser 2011.

Graviola is a Cure For Cancer/ Durian Belanda Penawar Kanser?

Empathy, empati.

Empati; meletakkan diri kita pada tempat orang itu sendiri...

Dime Cicely Saunders .. Words.

Dear All,
Thanks for reading.

" You matter because you are you,
You matter to the last moment of your life
And we will do all we can
Not only to help you die peacefully
But also to live until you die..."

Day 2: Masalah Psikososial Yang Dihadapi Pesakit Kanser..

Dear All,
Thanks For Reading..

Maksud Psikososial:
-Psikososial-aspek psikologikal ( kognitif), emosi dan sosial.
-Setiap pesakit kanser bukan sahaja terdedah kepada isu kesihatan dan perubatan.
-Sebaliknya, memang berhadapan dengan isu psikososial.

Isu Psikososial.
::Isu Psikososial kerap timbul terutamanya apabila pesakit berhadapan dengan tahap berikut:
-penafian (denial)
-marah ( anger)
-negosiasi ( bargaining)
- tekanan ( stress)
-penerimaan ( acceptance)

Source: seminar kanser 2011.
- Kubler-Ross: on death & dying (2009) 40th eds..


Lumbar Puncture / Air Tulang belakang.

Dear All,
Thanks for reading.

His words explaining regarding lumbar puncture;

Dalam tengkorak ada otak dan selaput.
Bersambung dengan tulang belakang yang mana saraf berakhir lebih awal.
Antara tulang belakang ada rongga.
Air tulang belakang diambil menggunakan jarum lebih panjang antara rongga itu.
Lumpuh hanya berlaku jika melibatkan saraf yang mana tidak berlaku dalam kes mengambil air tulang belakang ini.

Bagi kanak kanak; mereka terlebih dahulu ditidurkan sebelum prosedur.

Post procedure:
Mild pain- pain relief given.

What we need;
The cells..


Dear All,
Thanks for reading.

Retinoblastoma :
Treatment enucleation.

In Malaysia:
Mostly no case intraocular becos people presented later stage..

Survival rate;
54 months..

Breaking Bad News..

Dear All,
Thanks for reading.

Breaking bad news is an ART and need Specialised SKILL and communication skill & right attitude.
Done in few sessions..

What to consider;
Set up.

#need to know basis#

Incidence of Cancer./ widewellness.

Dear All,
Thanks for reading..

Now talk by another prof..

His encounter of CA
Less then 5 years old:
Mostly leukaemia.. 10-12 cases per year..

Also revealing his 'study'
In conclusion-
Avoid those area..

Can Germs Cause Cancer?

Dear All,
Can Germs Cause Cancer?

Good answer from prof.
Chronic irritation can..

Pencegahan Kecacatan Secara Am.(Manual Panduan Pencegahan Kecacatan Kanak - Kanak 2011)

Dear All,
Would like to share some information regarding:

Pencegahan Kecacatan Secara Am.(Manual Panduan Pencegahan Kecacatan Kanak - Kanak 2011)

-Elak perkahwinan persaudaraan.
-Rancang kehamilan.
-Dapatkan pemeriksaan kandungan, awal dan berkala.
- Amalkan cara hidup yang sihat semasa mengandung; pemakanan seimbang, senaman.
- Elakkan dari merokok, meminum arak, pengambilan dadah dan ubat tanpa nasihat anggota perubatan.
-Kelahiran disambut anggota terlatih dan bertauliah.
-Dapatkan imunisasi berkala mengikut jadual.
-Elakkan kecederaan.
-Jangan goncang bayi.
